Thursday, October 20, 2011

My Reflection

On October 19th (my wedding anniversary), I started a new weight loss challenge.  Even though I've done many prior to this challenge, at this moment, I am at peace and in true harmony with the Universe.  The notion to lose weight is just part of my inner transformation. 

You may ask how I know I am successful already on this journey of transformation.  The answer is because I no longer live with doubt and in fear.  Oh sure, I have moments when negation seems present in my mind.  But, something good always surpasses negation, and now, I let it.  I am the Divine Expresson of God.  Divine Intelligence manifested me and you.  I see myself as God sees me.

I saw a reflection of my ego, finally. I recognized the negative thought patterns, and I became comfortable allowing the thoughts to drown me.  You see, the minute my mind became disease free, the need to lose weight became a natural thing to do, not my ultimate destiny.  I began to live in universal harmony, and this way of living causes overall transformation. This way of living became my destiny.  My reflection is love, confidence and strength now, and I see it everywhere.

Exodus Health Center is truly a wonderful platform for healing and for obtaining hope.  Dr. David Jockers is so instrumental in teaching me about natural healing of the mind and body.  This is one of the platforms God has gifted me to assist with my weight loss and overall transformation.  It's amazing, and I'm grateful.

I see myself 75 pds. lighter.  Yes, I am sharing this information.  sigh.

I will keep you abreast of my progress inside and out.  I hope it encourages you.  I hope you encourage me.



sunnymama said...

Best wishes to you on your wedding anniversary and a new challenge. As always you are an encouragement :)

Shell said...

I encourage you 100%. I know first hand the desire and the will to go after something you heart's wish can come true!!
You will be 75 pounds lighter!!
Happy Anniversary!!

SE'LAH... said...

i'll be right here,
encouraging you
all along the way.
