Monday, October 25, 2010

Always Climbing. Always Lifting.

Hello everyone!

Today is an extraordinary day.  There is no particular reason why.  It just is!

I'm smiling today even though I could frown.  I'm feeling love even though I could feel hate.  I'm seeing peace even though I could feel hostility.  Yes, I choose for this day to be extraoridnary!

Se'Lah over at Necessary Room and Anyes over at Far away in the Sunshine are hosting their version of A Random Act of Kindness day.  I can't tell you how excited I am to join them.  As usual, I'm late in joining but I've learned not to make excuses but to just embrace any and everything with such love, peace and humility.  This beauty always supersedes negativity.

So, from this point until November 13th (World Kindness Day), I will write about my experiences here in showing acts of kindness.  I have a couple situations that already stand out in my mind that are too wonderful to keep to myself.  What is the point of climbing if we are not lifting others along the way?  We are all connected.  We are all one.

Please share your random acts of kindness.  You may leave a link to wherever you post it.

Kindness is when you act on the beautiful thoughts you have of others.


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Things are going well!

Last week was such a busy week.  I kept thinking, I promised myself that I would no longer take weeks to post to Operation You, for me and for you.  But, with school work staring at me everytime I walk by my book bag, my daughter's birthday party that required me to deep clean and cook and crowning two titles of mother and wife on the top of my head, I really was thankful that I learned to take deep breaths and let things be as they are. 

If a thought came to me that made me question its nature,  I immediately released the negative thought and the emotion went right along with it.

So, now I'm taking a toe-dip in this fresh water that covers this post and I am grateful for learning and knowing the truth, which is there is nothing wrong  There is nothing bad.  All is well.  This is my power and yours.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Treading Water

I always share with you how powerful we are and that strength that lifts us is within all of us.  I share this with all that I am and know this to be the truth.  I simply know because it is the only way that I am able to be centered in peace.

My girlfriend asked me, "How are you since you are no longer working?"  Whenever anyone asks me this specific question or in general, I take the time to breathe and answer with such deep honesty and awareness.  I answered Gwen: 

"I feel like I'm walking on water, treading the waves but floating by faith.  Even though I sometimes see fog, I close my eyes and boldly tread through it.  When there is a wave that makes me feel like I'm drenched in heavy water; still, I tread the water.  But the excitement is that the waves die down and the water dries.  Then amazingly, I feel cleansed.  And if and when the next fog or wave comes, I know I will eventually walk through with my eyes open because of faith and knowing the truth that there's always been good, joypeace and love forever flowing.  It's the law of God!  It will never end and it's always accessible to us because it is us.  Sinking is only in our minds.  We are created to float. 

I'm simply here to be the expresson of the Divine Presence and I so accept that!"

Gwen said, "Wonderful!"

Friday, October 8, 2010

I had a date.

I picked her up from school.
We played in the park for a couple hours.
She fed the ducks dinner.
We walked, talked and laughed.
Jannah and I carried our date well into the evening.
Together we held our make-believed  mics, sang and danced.
Now, we chat and comb Pink Poney's hair talking about the last weekend that we will spend together before she turns five years old.
What a date!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Let it shine...

Pure and simple
the light flows from within
I do have a choice
to shield the light
From my and your sight
But I choose to let it shine
Because you are you.