Monday, October 11, 2010

Treading Water

I always share with you how powerful we are and that strength that lifts us is within all of us.  I share this with all that I am and know this to be the truth.  I simply know because it is the only way that I am able to be centered in peace.

My girlfriend asked me, "How are you since you are no longer working?"  Whenever anyone asks me this specific question or in general, I take the time to breathe and answer with such deep honesty and awareness.  I answered Gwen: 

"I feel like I'm walking on water, treading the waves but floating by faith.  Even though I sometimes see fog, I close my eyes and boldly tread through it.  When there is a wave that makes me feel like I'm drenched in heavy water; still, I tread the water.  But the excitement is that the waves die down and the water dries.  Then amazingly, I feel cleansed.  And if and when the next fog or wave comes, I know I will eventually walk through with my eyes open because of faith and knowing the truth that there's always been good, joypeace and love forever flowing.  It's the law of God!  It will never end and it's always accessible to us because it is us.  Sinking is only in our minds.  We are created to float. 

I'm simply here to be the expresson of the Divine Presence and I so accept that!"

Gwen said, "Wonderful!"


Anyes said...

"We are created to float", Thank you Vicky for reminding me.

Deep breath... :-)

Baracka said...

Remember, we serve a God of abundance. Our God is always more than enough. No matter what is on your “plate of life,” God wants to empower you with His grace.
One meaning of the word “grace” is God’s good will, loving-kindness and favor. His grace, His good will is what keeps us. His favor strengthens us and causes us to increase. The wonderful thing is that He’s already extending that grace to you right now; all you have to do is open your heart and humbly receive it by faith.

SE'LAH... said...

holding your hands as you take your next step.

with love, always

Relyn Lawson said...

Yes, wonderful.

Yiota said...

wonderful and powerful; love the way you write!
e-mail to follow later today.

Tracy said...

That would be my answer too, Vickie! I feel that I am LOVE in motion, here to give. :o) Happy Day ((HUGS))

Gayle at Planet M Files said...

I will remember your line, "We are created to float." whenever I feel the waves are getting too strong for me. Love that!

Yiota said...

Hi Vickie!
Hope you're doing alright.
Did you get the e-mail I sent on Wednesday?