Friday, September 21, 2012

She teaches me...

Today, a quote came across my heart:  "Let's try teaching children how to think instead of what to think." 

This is my Jannah.  She is strong, loving, sincere, forgiving, and respects and appreciates life.  Jannah teaches me so much about letting go, listening, and living in the moment.  She began saying, "I love you with my BIG heart," when she was three-years-old.  I've learned and continue to learn from her how to love unconditionally.

Early on Wednesday, we ran a couple of errands.  Even though I think I'm present, I'm not.  I heard Jannah singing along to a song on the radio; she is always singing, so, this is nothing new.  I turned off the car just when the song ended.  Casually, I said, "I don't like that song."  Imagine that?  I wasn't available to listen to it, but I told her that I didn't like the song.  It was final; nothing else needed to be said, according to my thoughts.

I began walking into the building. Jannah stopped walking, looked up at me with her eyes squinted from the brightness of the sunrays, and said, "Mom, the lyrics to the song are: Let me love you.  I will love you until you learn to love yourself."  I said, "Oh."  Enough said.

Just because the beat of the song didn't catch my attention, I had a diluted perception of the song.  I said the words out loud then Jannah interrupted me, and said, "Nemo sings it."  I said, "Nemo? Oh, you mean, Ne-Yo."  She said, "Yeah, you know who I'm talking about." 

I, unintentionally, tried to convince Jannah to not like that song when I wasn't even present to hear it.  She gave me the opportunity to listen through her, and I did.  I'm giving her the space to be her--teaching her how to think, and I love who she is. 

Friday, September 7, 2012

Release and Let Go...

When I get a surge of enthusiasm and gratitude, I must share it with you; it is what I do!

Release and let go of shame. It serves no purpose.

Release and let go of fear. It keeps you in distress, and it makes you doubt what you know to be true.

Release and let go of the hurt. It keeps you in a victim mode. You are not a victim; you are a vibrant, beautiful, confident Divine Expression of Greatness-God!

Release and let go lack of self-worthiness. It makes you compare yourself to everyone else; there is no one like you. You are uniquely and ecstatically worth more than you can comprehend.

Release and let go of wishing; you know everything there is to know because you are a genius. See yourself as an inspiration here to do something phenomenal, because you are.

Release and let go of suffering. It is not part of the life's script for you to suffer. Your mind creates these conditions as a survival mechanism.

See love in everything and every person and know that your life and his or her life are for a reason. For yourself, ask what that reason is and listen within for the answer. You will be delighted to know that there is so much more in you and life than focusing on things originally created by your negative thinking and by other people.

You are the creative change you are looking for, and you are the genius to get it done. You belong to something greater than yourself -- a continuously high-vibration beating of life. Embrace it by releasing and letting go of all negative thought patterns and live in and for the moment without any interference. 

You are living your life to be you, come what may!

Friday, August 31, 2012

Me and Hummingbird - Our Bliss!

The last thought I had before I went to sleep was my plan to greet sunrise the following morning. My alarm clock filled my bedroom with music, and I jumped out of bed as if it were my last time seeing sunrise.  While sitting on my porch, I read a few pages of Marianne Williamson’s, “A Return to Love.”

Sometimes, before I meditate, I read, and it helps me to rid my mind of all the mind chatter.  I know exactly when it’s time to stop reading because the energy I feel almost lifts me out of my chair or off the floor.  The amazing connection I feel with everything is powerful!

With my reading light, I read some of the pages I had already highlighted with my marker until I felt awake.  The words jumped off of the page and began nourishing the seeds that had already been planted in my heart.  I read:  “Something amazing happens when we surrender and just love.  We melt into another world, a realm of power already within us.  The world loves us when we choose to love the world.”  Ding!  Ding!  This understanding elevated me, and it was time to stop reading and meditate.

In that place of sheer joy and unlimited space within all of us, I heard the sound of a bee; the sound became louder and louder.  I sat still and decided that I would remain in that space where my body felt as light as a feather.  I wasn’t afraid of being stung or anything; somehow, I knew I wouldn’t. Also, the communion with peace was far greater to me than possibly being stung by a bee. 

Then, sunrise kissed my eyelids.  The hues of orange and red filled my eyes, but there was something in front of me shading a part of the sunrise.  Automatically, I opened my eyes, and there she was, a hummingbird fanning her wings at me.  Her beak was almost touching my nose.  I wished that I could have remained in that space to keep her close.  She remained a few seconds in front of me, but as soon as I began evaluating what was happening, she disappeared into the sunrise that, now, began to blind me.
The feeling of gratitude filled every inch of my body.  I smiled and smiled, and guess what, she returned.  She fanned her wings up higher this time, hovering over me.  In our stillness, I said to her, “Thank you for visiting me.  We are One!”  I said in a singing voice, “I love you.”  A few seconds passed, and she darted off, again.  I knew it would be my last time seeing her, at least for that day.
Marianne Williamson says, “Love is a win-mode, a successful and attractive vibration.”  Hummingbird and I were attracted to each other on this day—in, through, and by love!

Thank you for visiting!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Really, How Can I Help You?

(Photo by Se'lah Greenaway)

Their sweet voices, their beautiful words, and their message of love resonated deep in my heart. kRi & hettie, the musical duo sensation, gifted me with musical selections of poetry and song.  I’ve played their CD for two days after I first purchased it; it soothed my soul.

Immediately after my first service at Unity Church North, I introduced myself to kRi & hettie, and then I made my way to the lower level of the church to purchase their CD.  I had to have it, and my heart filled with gratitude because I actually had the money to buy one!

I left the table after signing their guest registry, and a woman stopped me to ask how much I paid for the CD.  I responded, “Ten dollars.” She showed me a distorted facial expression.  I read it clearly; she didn’t have the money to buy it.  As I continued walking, I heard the sweet voice within say, “Buy it for her.”  But, I continued walking simply because of fear and doubt.  What will she think when I buy that CD for her?  She doesn’t know me from a can of paint, I thought.

I returned to the main level of the church because I forgot to turn in my guest card with all of my contact information on it.  I felt the Presence of Divine Source.  In response to feeling regret for not buying that CD for the woman, I said, “God, I desire to do what I feel.  I will always act upon what I feel because I know it is the guidance of Divine Source.”

Deep in thought and gratitude, I slowly walked down the steep hill to my car in back of the church when I saw a familiar woman in a blue and white flowery dress exiting from the lower-level door. She greeted me with a smile, and I said, “Are you the one that asked me about the price of the CD?”  She laughed out loud and said, “Yes, I am.”  I walked toward her, and said, “Come on.  Let’s go get that CD.  I’m going to buy it for you.”  She said, “Are you kidding me?”  I said, “Nope.”  I put my left arm around her shoulders as she held my right hand, and we walked back into the church.

Her name is Elizabeth.  She began telling Kri of kRi & hettie that I decided to buy her the CD.  She said, “She’s never seen me before!”  Kri handed Elizabeth the CD; she then told me to keep my money.  “It is a gift to you both,” she said.  All three of us stood amazed about the beauty of giving and the power of love. 

Finally, I reached my car.  I sat in it giving thanks for the opportunity to be of service.  I asked during meditation that morning, “How can I be of service?” I had been guided to Unity North Church that day. I’ve heard often that instead of trying to get something, focus on giving, and all of your needs will be met.  I’m a witness!

Really, how can I help you?

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Blinded by Love

Like today, the sun’s heat reflected on all the people that stretched out on the lounge chairs, stood in long lines at the water park, and popped in and out of the water like dolphins in the ocean.  My sister, Landy, and I picked the perfect day to take our children and niece to the water park.

One of the children’s favorite activities is the Lazy River, which is water current that pushes you in one direction without any effort on anyone’s part.  I listened to the interruption of laughter as the children dived and splashed under water.  My daughter, who I feel is more comfortable in water than walking, scurried along without any fear.  I, on the other hand, tried not to have fear; let’s just say I felt better being close to her.  She acted as if I were a net holding her back!

I saw a young man grab Landy's arm as I watched her grab my daughter for me.  They continued to move, of course, but Landy seemed to slow down some in the water.  I caught up with her, my nieces, my daughter, and this man holding on to her arm.   I yelled, “I’m coming, hold on!”  As I approached, my sister said, “This is my sister, Vickie.”  And Jannah, my daughter said, “And I’m her kid.”  He said, “Hello.  I’m Trevor.” 

Trevor reached out to hug me in the water, but in his effort, he missed my body totally and slightly pulled away from Landy’s arm, which he scurried to get back.  I looked at my sister with a “what’s-up-with-this” look, and she had this big Kool-Aid smile on her face. I thought he had a crush on her.  I then noticed he had a white-folded stick in the water, one that is used by blind people as a guidance tool when they walk.  Well, it explained why he totally missed hugging me.  The water current had moved me so quickly from the spot where he first heard my voice.  I touched his arm and shoulder in my attempt to hug him in moving water.  I said, “I think it’s cool that you are in here by yourself hanging out.” He said, “Your sister is taking me to the waterfall. I keep missing it because I can’t see where to go.  I said, “OK then.  Let’s go.”

As we moved along in the warm water heated by the sun, I thought this young man could not have chosen a better person to get him to his destination.  Landy is such a nurturing, caring, and beautiful Being.  She guided him in and out of the waterfall area and back to the main part of the Lazy River.

Trevor glowed with gratitude!  Not only is he a brave young man, he is a strong force of love waiting to share with whomever allows it.  It is evident that he is "blinded" by love.  I don’t see his blindness as a handicap; he reminded me on another level to look pass size, shape, race, weight, attitude, smells, and uniqueness in every way.  This young man made sure he touched or hugged everyone who had any affiliation with Landy.  Trevor, nineteen-years-old, left me and my family speechless.  We just smiled at each other.

I saw a bright-red patch across Trevor's back, where the sun had made its mark on his pale skin.  I wondered if the patch would burn him later that day.  He held onto the metal banister, once he released Landy's arm to leave the water, and I moved along in the water, watching him until he disappeared into the bright sun.

Trevor had such a warm and beautiful presence; his gentleness was such a sweet force.  I could feel the love radiating from him.  You know, there is always so much talk about handicaps, race relations, and social inequalities in our society.  For a moment on this day, I could only think about how my family and I had been marked, blinded by love.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Coming Out

I first visited Unity North Church in Marietta, GA about a few months ago for a funeral of a dear friend who I hadn't seen in several years.  The tears in my eyes made everything seemed blurry on that day.  Once my tears dried, I looked at the beautiful cloths hanging from the ceiling over the stage, which were symbols of all the recognized religions.

When I picked up one of the song booklets and flipped through the pages, I recognized several songs by Rickie Byars Beckwith.  Excitement filled my body; it became a matter of time before I returned for my first visit.  Keep in mind, I haven't been in a church building for several years.

I walked in the doors ten minutes late after getting somewhat lost.  Surprised that I had a wide selection of where I could sit, I sat closer to the back of the sanctuary, at first.  Normally, I would have sat there careful not to stand out among the congregation.  No, I moved closer to the front.  Why not?  I wanted to see and feel everything during my first visit of being with like-minded, soul-like, beautiful people!

The light and spaciousness of the sanctuary helped me to feel relaxed, and I looked around at the faces that had once walked in the doors of Unity North for their first time.  Were they, too, ready to come out and just be?  Did they, too, ask how can they be of service?  I sat there feeling love and gratitude because I knew the time had come for me to live out loud.

To my amazement, the message:  “Coming Out – Authen-City vs. False City,” by Rev. Jeanie Ward, hit me like the sun hovering over Mother Earth.  She told her story of how she lived a life of different faces making sure to use them when she needed to cover up that she was gay, unhappy, and terrified of life.  I could identify that same pain in Rev. Ward that had drove me to deep depression.
After years of uncertainty, sickness, and dealing with obesity, she came out.  She said, “I am unique and so is everyone else.”  Rev. Ward’s coming out was not only about her sexuality, it was about living up to her true potentiality—her unique expression of God.  I sat in my chair, closed my eyes, breathed deeply, and said, “Yes” – Yes, to living out loud – Yes, to living my true potentiality. “Where do I start?” I asked.  I heard Rev. Michael Bernard Beckwith’s words, “Right where you are.”

Unity North Church seems to be somewhat reserved in terms of movement and dance during service, unlike what I’m use to growing up in a Penecostal church or what I’m used to seeing at Agape Spiritual Center.  So, as I listened, I said out loud, “Yes!” during Rev. Ward’s message several times; my words echoed toward the cathedral ceiling, alone.  When the awesome duo, kRi & hettie, sang, I felt the need to stand, sing, and sway with them. I love their music, their voices, and their message! The words, “Everyday is an opportunity to forgive myself, re-invent myself, and fall in love with myself,” touched my heart.  I am the only one who stood in the entire sanctuary.  Normally, I would feel embarrassed, and I would wonder what people thought or even asked after service, “Do you think it was OK that I stood when no one else stood?”  Not this day; I AM coming out!

The old will leave to make space for the new.  Thoughts and feelings of insecurity, self-doubt, fear, and lack of worthiness had crippled my potentiality. I know I’m evolving each day; like an onion, I continue to peel back layers of deep, negative thought patterns.  I’m ready.  I accept.  I’m available. I can do it.  I will do it, and I give deep thanks.  Use me, Lord.

How about you?  Are you ready to come out about something, anything?  Come on and join me.  Peace and Blessings!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Celebrate Knowing!

(Photo taken by Se'Lah)

I've often heard that we are connected and really never gave much thought to what that meant. I believed it as the truth, and I assumed we were all connected since we are here in this space and time. Yesterday, and this morning during meditation, I've visited this idea as more than a thought; I experienced it.

My husband, Raheem, and I had to take care of some business that could have been perceived as unpleasant, and I must admit, I marched forward after recognizing a negative thought within me about the situation.  Somehow, I just knew that everything was working for our good, regardless of my mind chatter.  So, I took a deep breath, ignored the mind chatter, and focused on knowing that every move I made (walking – talking – smiling – interacting with others – driving – listening) was Divine Source moving as me.  Raheem wasn’t as confident, but I told him, “The Universe has our back!  Let’s do this."

When we walked out of our attorney’s office, Raheem could only say, “All praises be to God!”  I couldn’t say a word; I felt the gratitude, and it covered every aspect of my Being. I blessed everything within my eyesight and heart-sight.  Raheem had to walk prior to getting into the truck; he needed to be and feel the energy and the love first.  We weren’t expected to meet with this particular attorney, the owner.  However; spiritually, he knew we needed his help beyond the physical realm, and he chose to be with us.  I, too, knew to expect my good beyond the physical realm.  Together, the attorney, Raheem, and I danced in Spirit!

Dr. Reverend Michael Bernard Beckwith said:

…And we always know it’s transformation because it surprises us – and if it doesn’t surprise you, it’s not transformation. It could be something that you’ve expected and put together in a nice, little, neat package.

But, when you throw yourself open by asking empowering questions and by willing to be more than you’ve ever thought you could be, you get surprised by the depth of what’s inside of you!

It’s so potent that it’s oftentimes shocking.
I didn’t know what to expect at the attorney’s office, but I knew it was Good.  I just didn’t know how Good!

This morning during meditation, I celebrated life, and I danced with those who were willing to dance with me in Spirit.  I felt each and every one of them. I joined in with the celebration of infinite love, peace, and joy.

Celebrate in knowing that everything you are, everything you desire, your purpose, is here and now.  Open and accept in your heart that celebrating Good is you activating your faith.  Know.  Trust. Accept.  Rejoice.  Celebrate simply in just knowing, and accept your joy!  We don’t need to have or see something in order to know and celebrate; we just need to feel all that we are grateful for.  All is well.  Life is Good.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Hop in Gratitude

To express her gratitude, my daughter, Jannah, gave me this sweet drawing that she colored. Isn't it fun?

When she gave me this drawing, her large eyes stretched even bigger. She couldn't contain the excitement she felt when giving it to me, and that's how she is when she gives me or anyone anything. It is so beautiful how she hops when she talks to me, or when she is doing something that makes her feel good. Her enthusiasm is contagious! In return, my voice goes an octave higher, and I respond with the same enthusiasm. It's not forced; her energy transfers to me, reinforcing the truth that we are all connected.

So, today, for my gratitude practice, I am going to give of myself anyway I can with such enthusiasm that I hope to transfer it to all I come in contact with today. This light energy is infinite. Here are a few areas that first comes to mind based on the errands and tasks I need to do today: buying groceries - writing a resume for someone today as a form of service, not pay - paying a couple of bills - reading and critiquing other's writing as a source of encouragement.

The power to give is the same power in which we receive things. As I read somewhere, it's one running faucet, steadily moving and powerfully providing. There is no separation. All we need to do is move with the harmonic flow of the Universe, transferring all the love-thanksgiving we can hold in our hearts. In this type of living, we have no attachments to expectations.  We let things be as they are.  Yes, go with the flow in gratitude and thanksgiving, and watch how beauty manifests in your life in a variety of forms. Will you be enthusiastic and hop in gratitude with me and Jannah today?

Love, Liberty & Light

Monday, May 21, 2012

Pass the Rock

Recently, I went for a walk in the park.  White Oak Park is such pretty scenic view.  It has rolling hills, but you can see over them, as far as your eyes will take you.  I walked admiring this view, blessing each person who passed me.  I like to walk against traffic so that I can look into the faces of the people I bless. 

On this day, I saw an elderly man walking, leaning to one side.  He had a good stride going.  We greeted each other with a head nod.  Immediately, I thought he had such kind eyes.  I said, "good morning."  He stopped, and I had to back up a few steps to face him.  He gave me a rock, and said, "I'm passing this rock to you.  We don't have a torch so I'm passing this rock."  I said, "OK."  I held the rock in my hand.  It was dirty, a black and grayish color.  I looked for a sign or something that I should know about that rock, turning it around and around.  He laughed, and said, "I'm leaving now.  So, be sure to pass it along. The rock is what you put into it."  I smiled at him, and my heart danced at the thought.  I said, "I will definitely pass it along."

During my last lap around the dirt trail, I felt it was time to release the rock to someone else.  I held it, blessed it, and allowed my entire body to fill the energy of love and gratitude.  Then, I saw Rebecca.  I stopped her and explained the rock to her.  The feeling and words came through me like a burst of energy.  My enthusiasm was contagious; she squeezed the rock as I told her how she is the Divine expression of love, and that her life is hers to live to the fullest.  I said, "You have a purpose.  Listen to your heart and soul, and go for it." Her head moved up and down while I spoke to her, as if she were drinking a love potion.  She gave me a hug, and I thanked Divine Source for that elderly man and Rebecca.  It had been my first time ever meeting them both on that trail.

I read somewhere that incredible stories happen everyday, all the time.  By being in the present moment, a wonderful miracle happened to me, the elderly man, and Rebecca; our kindred spirits accepted that rock on that day in our lives, which allowed us to recognize that we are one.  Rebecca said, "I don't know what I will say or who I will give this rock too, but I can't wait."

The rock represented living in the moment to me.  I am grateful to have shared this miraculous moment with the elderly man and Rebecca.

Monday, May 7, 2012

The Dancer

When you feel like you can't move, dance.  When your heart is occupied with pain, dance.  When you are in doubt or feeling worried, dance.  Dance because you are celebrating your life; you are the perfect divine expression of peace, greatness, love and joy!

(Jannah striking her pose before she went off to her dance recital.  The theme: "I wanna dance."  It was such a fun and exciting day with the family!)

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Love Is What We Are

"Love is neither learned nor taught.  We are created in and of love.  It is what we are." - Eric Butterworth

Sometimes I don't feel like I am love; sometimes I don't feel like loving, especially when I'm faced with a perceived challenge.  I feel irritated and frustrated, and I think I know why at the time.  But then, I sit in the reality--what is real to me.  I look within, only to find out that I am actually irritated with the idea of the challenge; so, I pull the challenge apart, piece by piece, in my thoughts, deciphering it.

You know what I find?  I find that I'm attached to a specific outcome of the perceived challenge. When I release and let go of the attachment, I feel free.  When I open my mind and heart--relaxing my shoulders, my back, softening my heart and mind, and letting go of expectations--love shines through; I feel Divine Presence all around me, in me and through me. 

I feel my light shining; I feel the love glowing.  Even in perceived darkness, I see the light.  How?  I am carrying it with me, lighting my path, and for this:  I AM grateful to be love.  Love is what we are.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Asking for prayers...

I am asking for prayer for my friend, Selah, who is on her healing journey.  Please pray today and affirm your prayer on tomorrow.  Thank you!

We know that her mind and body are ONE, whole, complete, and the perfect manifestation of Divine Presence. Her breasts are the breasts of God; her body is the body of God. Therefore, any outside interference can be removed by simpling speaking, knowing and feeling the truth! It's our power. The truth is that Selah is the image and likness of God. She is the invisbile and visible; and we are grateful for her perfect healing and for her life. And so it is. Amen.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Healing Project for SeLah - Can you help?

Peace and Blessings!

Do you know of anyone in your life that has shown deep, unwavering love for God’s Creation?  I do.  Her name is Selah.  She is my wonderful friend, my true sister, and a passionate supporter of humankind; now, she needs our help.

Selah has used her blog,
Necessary Room, to help hundreds of people in need.  She has brought people together from around the world, allowing people to use Necessary Room as a platform to give, to love, to heal, and to establish beautiful friendships.  Practice Kindness” is how Selah explains her online projects to uplift the sick and love the forgotten.   One of my favorites is, "Selah’s Angels", a project established to send an anonymous card to encourage those who are battling cancer. 

Now, it is time to help her; Selah has been diagnosed with breast cancer.  Because she believes in natural healing, she has decided to attend the Hippocrates Health Institute in Florida. Total cost is $5,000.00.  Her health insurance will not cover the cost.

Will you help Selah continue to help others, by helping her?  If everyone can give a little something, it will go a long way. 
You may send electronic donations via to: or you can mail donations to:

72 Fairview Oak Place
Dallas, GA  30157

Will you post this announcement on your blog?  Thank you.

Thank you, in advance, for your love, support, and prayers.  I started a non-profit organization for people who want to heal mind, body & soul; It is called Light, Liberty & Love, Inc.  Stay tuned…

Have questions?  Email me at or call me at 678-478-0777.

Light, Liberty & Love, always.

Thursday, January 26, 2012


Walking to my car inside of the parking garage at the university one evening, I saw a young male standing near his car; the hood of his car was up.  He said he needed to jump-start his car.  I offered, but I told him that my car battery was under the back seat. Even though he was anxious to leave, he opted to wait on his friend because we didn't want to deal with removing the backseat in my car.

Recently, I began to worry about something that I had no control over.  I had to reach out to my family and friends for reassurance that everything was fine at that particular moment.   Just like that young man in the parking garage, I needed a jump-start to remind me that ALL is well.

At different times of our lives, we need a jump-start to remind us how blessed we are.  When I've just come through an experience where I've learned something that allows me to truly live my life the way Divine Presence intended for me to live, I have the opportunity to see someone else's experience and challenges with love, offering unlimited support.  You see, we are all connected, and we have the ability to  recognize the beauty, strength, and courage in each other.  So, when I'm feeling a little unsure, I know I'm loved.  I know my jump-start is coming, and I expect it.  I know where to go and ask for my jump-start, if needed.

Do you need a jump-start?  Well, here it is; peace, love, joy, beauty, prosperity, abundance, well being, perfect health, and wholeness are yours.  I know this to be the truth because these attributes are of Divine Presence, and you are IT's Expression.