I was pouring myself a cup of cold, green smoothie and I smelled the freshness. My taste buds went wild and my body anticipated the nourishment that it was about to receive. Then, my three-year old daughter said, "Mommy, I didn't drink my energy soup today." I smiled at her innocent face while her large dark eyes focused on my cup of energy soup. "Here ya go, booby," I said with excitement. She drank ten sips as usual and rubbed her tummy. "Umm, it's healthy for me." "It is healthy for you," I said while I danced with excitement.
Everything is energy on this earth, everything. So, when we eat raw greens, our bodies LOVE it because we are eating food that is high energy, not dead from being cooked. I wake up in the morning most of the time full of life and energy and I love it. My energy soup consists of many different recipes that include at least two types of greens (collards, kale), celery, sprouts, carrots and lentils and the ingredients vary from day-to-day.
You want to feel energized, have a clear mind, and operate off of less sleep? Drink at least two to three cups of energy soup a day. Your body will love it. Your mind will appreciate it. Your spirit will feel it because high-energy foods have a high vibration level and it will beat inside of you sending the high-leveled frequency to feed and energize you and your organs. I dare you to try it.
Everything is energy on this earth, everything. So, when we eat raw greens, our bodies LOVE it because we are eating food that is high energy, not dead from being cooked. I wake up in the morning most of the time full of life and energy and I love it. My energy soup consists of many different recipes that include at least two types of greens (collards, kale), celery, sprouts, carrots and lentils and the ingredients vary from day-to-day.
You want to feel energized, have a clear mind, and operate off of less sleep? Drink at least two to three cups of energy soup a day. Your body will love it. Your mind will appreciate it. Your spirit will feel it because high-energy foods have a high vibration level and it will beat inside of you sending the high-leveled frequency to feed and energize you and your organs. I dare you to try it.
Healing and peace at your finger tips.
1 comment:
Sounds yummy !!! Isn't it wonderful that our children learn to love good, healthy food when exposed to it from a young age? My daughter's favourite food is spinach. I am so thankful and I am sure that your daughter will someday thank you for healthy eating habits. Keep up the good work mama !
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