Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Soak in Beauty

After returning home from a three-hour class thinking about what topic I will select for my school project and while my daughter sometimes sleep soundly in the back seat or listen to her dance music, I can't help but to feel sometimes the pressure on my shoulders to handle it ALL.

Taking deep breaths is equivalent to taking long hot bubble baths scented with lavender. Deep breaths are fast and easy to do and you want to talk about pleasure? It is sometimes so pleasurable for me that I am engulfed in sheer relaxation. Then I'm able to soak in the beauty of all the wonderful things around for us just to simply enjoy.

When I get out of the car and the weather is perfect for viewing the stars, my daughter and I gaze and listen to the stars speak to us in the same way the ocean demands our attention. We can soak in all of Creation. It is our gigantic bubble bath. All we have to do is recognize Creation, speak back to it by showing our gratitude and with our souls, love it!

We are blessed with the ability to soak in Creation's beauty. Take full advantage of it!


SE'LAH... said...

I'm reading this saying YES! Give thanks I'm part of Creation.


Cam said...

Love & Peace being spent out to you!!

kath said...

I took a deep cleansing breath while I was reading ... it felt so good.

thank you.