Saturday, February 12, 2011

"I'll cross that bridge when I come to it."

I've been such a busy bee. I did not realize it has been almost a month since I last posted.  Wow!

Today, creative expressions flowed through me so fast that I didn't know what I wanted to write.  But, when I saw this gorgeous photo of a bridge (Se'Lah's eye for beauty), I knew I would write about this colloquial term,  "I'll cross that bridge when I come to it."

I've said these words so often in my life that I've never really thought about what they mean to me.  After a few moments of comtemplation; actually, these words represent my idea to deal with or face a specific problem when it arises.  Am I expecting a problem to arise?  YES!  Really?  Yes.

I'm finding out that words and thoughts are so powerful, they create our life experiences. I don't know about you but I'm over experiences.  I just want to live fully from the overflow of GOOD and JOY! 

I think negative thoughts unintentionally. I'm sure that most of us do.  But, I now have the key to be watchful of those thoughts.  It's called AWARENESS.  Although I'm a work in progress; through meditation, I am able to address those thoughts of negation and I'm gently reminded that these thoughts were once used as my survival instincts to deal with perceived problems and issues or to "cross that bridge when I come to it." 

We don't ever have to triumpth by crossing over any bridges of problems or issues.  The fact that we are living and breathing is triumpth!  And we didn't have to do anything!  How great is that? 

So, from this day forward, let's cross bridges to see the beauty of life and to hear joy whisper to our souls.  Actually, if we stay in the present moment, which means that we do not think about the future or focus on remembering the past, we realize that we are crossing bridges all the time and we are crossing them with ease!

Let's meet on the "Two Cents" bridge and explore how wonderful and beautiful it is to flow through life with ease because life is flowing through us with ease, when we let it.  I see you on the bridge of joy, peace and love!


Shell said...

I will meet you on that bridge of joy, peace and happiness. That is my kind of bridge.

SE'LAH... said...

I'm on the bridge, waiting for you ;)

What wonderful insight. Words are so powerful. Thanks for dissecting this phrase for us.

one love

margie said...

great post!

Lisa Johnson said...

Wonderful post! This really strikes me in a big way and is giving me a new perspective.

I have an actual fear of bridges, because of heights. Yesterday, I was driving someplace new and not sure of my directions. I drove over two bridges. One was unexpected and one of, if not the the tallest bridge in the state. I breathed through it. The second bridge, I wasn't sure if I'd be able to find, but the directions were good, and it was a low bridge. Sigh of relief! I made it to my final destination in good time and survived both bridges. : )

Lori said...

This is so insightful and gorgeous! I love your words, "We are a living, breathing triumph."