Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Veggies & Me


Well, I've made some progress on my weight loss.  It's not the progress I anticipated, but it's progress.

I woke up with food on my mind this morning - the kind of thought that spiraled into the urgent need to put the first thing I saw into my mouth.  I needed it fast.  I needed to eat it as I walked toward my front door and into my car.  Before I put the key into the ignition, that banana was long gone into the darkness of my stomach.

My morning ritual includes a 32 oz glass of water with lemon, alternating it with Himilayan sea salt before I work out.  On this day, the water seemed to add to the hunger pain in my body.  So, that banana didn't have a chance!  On a normal day, a protein shake and a green smoothie would be enough for me after my workout.

Eventually, my mind and body became in sync, and I rested in the rich taste of my green smoothies, my raw spinach dip with celery and flax seed crackers, and my acceptance that I am one with the Divine Creator!  I am whole, perfect, complete, love, joy, and peace, and 75 pounds lighter.

I see in you what's in me.  What I am, you are.  What you are, I am.  We are connected through, by and in love.  We are the manifestation of Goodness, including the veggies!  So, I support you in every endeavor that allows your transformation.

Peace and Blessings!


Shell said...

I'm supporting you big time. I love my green smoothies. I starting eating baby spinach raw with everything. Helps to get my veggies in.

SE'LAH... said...

i know that you will achieve whatever you set your mind to...and so it is!

love ya!