For a long time I wanted to write about his spectular woman but there weren't any words within me that could begin to measure the respect, love and admiration I have for her. When you are gifted with a person in your life that strives to see love and only love in everything and everybody, it's only a matter of time before you aspire to see the same love.
Kim has been my "bestest" friend for over twenty years. We have cried together, laughed together until we held our bladders and yes we have even disagreed, but we never once stopped being friends, "sistafriends." Neither of us won't let that happen. My sister Doris who has left this world coined the word, "sistafriend," or maybe she got it from somewhere, I'm not sure. But Doris used "sistafriend" to describe Kim simply because she was closer than our friend.
My sistafriend loves God with all her heart and has the strength and confidence to stand boldly in the love that heals all! I'm so grateful that her spirit chose me and and my spirit chose her to reflect on this gift called life together and we have a great time doing it!
My daughter calls Valentine 's Day, "I love you" day so I decided to call February, "I love you" month along with Black History Month. I wanted to reflect on the people that I love just because...
So, I'm sending love to all of you and all the joy that is within all of you wonderful Beings, I pray that it shines brightly!!