When we send messages of negativity out, we receive a negative response. When we send messages with a purpose, we receive a positive response that is purposeful! So, after you read this message, ask yourself a meaningful question. The question that I sent out into the Universe today was, "What is my purpose or reason for experiencing life on this earth?" The response I received is currently taking place right before my eyes. I can't explain it, but I can feel and see it happening!
"Everything that God is, we already are; all that God has, is already ours."
Sending you positive energy, always!

You finished your first semester of grad school! Woo Hoo!! I'm up doing the Electric Slide right now! I might even finish it up with a great big 'ole Running Man!!
Go, V...
Go, V...
Welcome back to blogland.
I am so glad you're back!
sending positive energy right back at cha.
always looking to the bright side of life.
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