Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Joy is always flowing...

I missed "Inspirational Monday."  So, this will just be "Inspirational Today."

My daughter, two nieces and I were on our way home from the Olympic Centennial Park in Atlanta when we pulled into a Wendy's parking lot to take this photo of the sunset.  The girls had on bathing suits and were really tired.  We had driven about 45 minutes to Atlanta from the suburbs with no air conditioning in my car, but we were on our way to get it fixed. As a treat for dealing with the stifling heat in the car, they played in the park's water fountain to cool off.  They had a blast!

On the ride home, everyone in the car was silent until I saw the sun.  "Look everybody," I yelled.  The inside of the car became lively.  My daughter said, "Let's take a picture."  So, we did.

For the next few minutes, we were lost in time and space.  The sheer joy on all of our faces made me realize that recognizing the beauty is wonderful, but stopping to feel the beauty is a reward in itself.  Gratitude and appreciation stayed with us long after the sun finally set.  Joy is always flowing and is always available to us.  We just have to remember to stand in it!

Peace and Blessings!


Gayle said...

I've missed your wise words and joyfulness! What an amazing moment that must have been.

Baracka said...

beautiful pictures... it is the day to day rush that inhibits us from enjoying the little blessins around us... im glad you and your daughter and neices were able to enjoy such beauty created by god.blessings....

SE'LAH... said...

Joy is always available to is within us.

what a gorgeous sunset...these are the moments.

love ya.