Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The thunder of silence - Feel it!

I lit my scented Mulberry candles, closed my eyes, took deep breaths and sat in silence for awhile this morning. All the background noise appeared to be the loudest at first such as the roar of vehicle engines, the busy radio and the refrigerator motor kicking on and off. However, they all became faint sounds in the distant because I sat in complete silence.

I came to a conclusion again this morning that silence is definitely louder than noise. It is stillness. It is peace. It is profound. It is massive. It is healing. It is astonishing because stillness/silence are everywhere and in everything including in you. Noise cannot exist without silence. I look at the trees that inhale carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen. They are alive but yet they stand tall in silence - in stillness - in peace!

Thank you Presence!

Sending you positive energy and stillness today with all that I am!


Gayle said...

I used to try to meditate. I think it is very difficult to sit in silence. All kinds of silly, or not silly thoughts keep popping into my head. I must try it again.

I'm sending positive energy to you, too!

SE'LAH... said...

I thought I commented on this already. I love you.

Wanda said...

This is rich.