Saturday, September 18, 2010

Weekend Concept - Breathing in life!

It's the weekend and it's beautiful here in GA.  The high will be 91 degrees, but it's not the July 90's so it doesn't feel as hot...yet.  My family and I had breakfast on our front porch this morning and the breeze was wonderful!  I wanted to take a picture, but I decided not to delay this post.  Today is a good day.

As you can tell, I've been working on my blog some to reflect where I am on my journey.  I think I'm liking it but time will tell.  I need to do a few more things.  So, thank you for tolerating me as I go through this process.  It's definitely a work in progress.  In fact, if you have any suggestions or comments about my new look, please feel free to share them.  And don't be shy!

I accept this beautiful life that is given to me daily.  Every breath I take reminds me to be grateful for the next one.

Happy Weekending!


Tracy said...

Breathing and celebrating this day along with you, Vickie! LOVE the new look here--and seeing your photo! Our blogs are an extension of ourselves. Take the time you need to make it all yours. I love to visit here. :o) Happy Days ((HUGS))

Baracka said...

hello beautiful person of god... in life we all have to del with the unexpected. but you dont have to go inot it alone, god is with all around you... focus on that my beautiful flowere and maybe your journey will be a less difficult one.. my heart is with you, i understand struggles and lifes unexpected dissapointments. all i do is look up at my heavenly father and pray.. god bless you and yours...

SE'LAH... said...

love the new banner.

and i love you!

one love, my sisterfriend.

christina said...

hi my friend!
you and your place here, looks great.

i love seeing your face, what beautiful like you resonate.

Shell said...

I love the new look and feel. Beautiful.