Sunnyboy's Mama at Sunnydaytodaymama and Se'Lah at Necessary Room both gifted me with this honor!
You know, I travel the blog highway searching for and dropping off a little bit of peace at many pit stops. I'm in awe as I enter many post stops. I have laughed hysterically until my belly hurt, cried so hard until I couldn't catch my breath, and stood strong for what I believe in. Yes, the blog highway has been so exhilarating to travel. To all that fantastic bloggers I visit, thank you for sharing a part of you! I really enjoy you and appreciate you!
Although the rule is to select fifteen of my favorite blogs, I only wish I had that much time to visit that many blog sites. But, I can tell you the blogs I list below, they attract me, I attract them and we meet at the crossroads. I'm excited to oblige.
This is really difficult to do this now that I’m thinking about this. I don’t want to leave anybody out and I don’t want to list anybody just because I “think” that I should.
So, here is what I feel…
I am now passing the torch! The rule is for the award winners to pass it on and choose.
Congratulations my blog friends! You so deserve it!
Necessary Room is also my room. You know Se’Lah that I’m addicted to digesting every word on your blog! We started out together and I’m so glad we did. You are my editor, my critic, my biggest supporter, my beautiful and courageous Rasta sister and friend. Doris called this Sisterfriend! I Love you!
Journey Wildly has an energy level that sparks fire inside of me. I’m excited to experience ultimate presence there! It’s my “wild” side to just BE! Cam, I so feel your beautiful and gracious presence.
Crazy Sexy Life is my inspiration to continue on my journey of healing, peace and raw eating. Kris Carr’s pure existence is inspiring enough! I stay encouraged here and believe and know miracles.
Gifts of the Journey allow me a little taste of what my journey could be after leaving corporate America. Freedom soars within me after visiting here. Plus, she’s an Atlanta home girl!
Sunnydaytodaymama keeps me honest in loving and understanding my daughter freely without control and fear, without doubt and with strength and confidence. I allow her to BE just as she is. Thank you Sunnyboy's mama!
Lisa Chaos gives me the opportunity to view the world through her eyes. I love sitting on the window sill looking through Lisa’s lens - her eyes - her soul! What a gift that is!
Planet M Files always takes me down exciting memory lane! I just feel silly and happy at this post stop! Thank you!
soeurs du jour - Their sister relationship reminds me of my relationship with my sister, Doris. They are a tag team just like how Doris and I were. They remind me of sisterhood, which has a tender place in my soul! You ladies are so exciting and exceptional!
Oh, thank you. thank you. I feel so...well, thankful.
You know I got nothing but love for you baby!
I love you!
Thank you so much!
I second Se'Lah! You are so good to us, Vchelle!
I am so glad that our paths crossed. You light up my day!
Thank you so much for your words about me Vchelle. I'm truly honoured that's how you feel about my blog. Your daughter has such a loving mama and you inspire me to keep becoming a better mama to sunnyboy. I appreciate the peace that you drop off while traveling the blog highway (what a wonderful way with words you have), and I know that I will always find some peace when I call in at Operation You. Thanks :)
Thank you so much! You are so sweet, vchelle. It is always a joy to visit your site. I'm glad we found each other!
Mazel tov to one and all!
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