Life is your canvas and you are the paint and brush. Let go and have fun with the beautiful ray of colors that you are.
It's so easy to put on the brakes of life because of doubt, fear, worry and confusion. All the colors blend on the canvas and it is sometimes difficult to tell what is the base color or how many layers of color we need to remove in order to get clarity. The beautiful and magical idea is that we go through this process so that we can sort through the "situation" because we are in fact the very thing that is so colorful! We are the colors of life! We are life! Let go of pre-conceived ideas, perceptions and egos and just Be in the beauty that you are.
Our canvas of life display our own unique and incredible piece of work. Why, because we are beautiful souls and if we can just let go and let the Infinite Peace inspire us - work through us - be us - we shall become Masters of Art. We are the artist of life!
Se'Lah at Necessary Room felt compelled to pull us into her canvas of love and life by starting the Gift of Jewel project where we in blogland can experience the joy and power of the written word given to us personally. If you are interested in participating in the Gift of Jewel project, please click here to read more about it and click here to sign up.
Happy Love Thursday!
Life is a beautiful canvas...just look at Mother Nature.
You are so right...peeling back the layers as I type.
Love you so much.
hi v'chelle. don't you just love these little snippets of love in the urban landscape. perfect.
Beautifully written!
Happy Love Thursday!
Thank you for this post today...it's what I needed to read at this very moment :) Have a wondeful day!
Wonderful post, Vchelle. Happy Love Thursday, my friend.
Happy Love Thursday, V!!
I can't wait to see where I will be sending my envelope!! Maybe it will be just up the road in Hotlanta?
By the way, has it cooled down any up there? This week's weather has been so mild and pleasant, well, 'cept for the rain, but the temp has been amazing!!
Much love to you friend! I will be back more regularly now. Had so much going on, and stopped seeing the forest for the trees momentarily...
love felt in the words and images ...heard in the waves
What a wonderful Love Thursday post! I hope yours was filled with love!
I do agree with what Margie said, and I love your description of us as the artist of life. :)
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