Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I say yes!

As the sound and the wind of the water brushed my ears at Niagara Falls in Buffalo, NY, the magfinicent power that came from the rush of the waters made me now realize that this flowing power of water is just another example of what can operate through me.

Just as these waters flow without limit, so can the very gifts that all of us have within. The same energy that beautifully and confidently move these waters without any limitiations is the same energy that moves us. We are limitless Beings.

So, if you feel stagnate, restless, fearful or confused, try stopping for a few minutes and listen to and feel your heart beat. Listen to your breath. Feel the tingle from the energy in your hands and feet, chest, and stomach. What you feel is Life - strong, unwavering and unprecedented Life! We not only have the power to experience whatever beautiful thing we want in this Universe, but we have the love, the peace and the enthusiasm that carries our creativity.

We are limitless just like the waters falling from that cliff and we can choose to avoid our creativity or we can choose to feel and say "yes" to our creativity no matter what it is... Saying "yes" gives us joy, deep expression of our love that's already within, kindness, excitement and definitely peace! Plus, watch the extraordinary things that arise because of this one word!

I say yes!

Sending you so much positive energy, always!


SE'LAH... said...

I'll need it today...lots of exhaling to do ;)

thanks for always encouraging us to connect to our souls.

christina said...

so powerful and freeing.

Gayle said...

vchelle, I mentioned you in my post today. I wanted to let you know that I feel your positive energy! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I love this!


Michaelle said...

Thank you so much! What a beautiful post. Found your blog through Gayle at Planet M.

sunnymama said...

Yes indeed! :)