I am loved. I am love. I love.
These are the words that whispered to my Spirit – my Soul this morning. The sheer feeling of love is a powerful anecdote in helping us let go of fear, doubt and resentment. Love is beautiful and we need courage and determination to practice it.
When I have a challenging time expressing or feeling love because of my ego (my thoughts and beliefs), I’ve learned how to use a tool to help me turn on the vibratory signal of love. I think and feel of someone I know, without a doubt, whom I love unconditionally. I usually begin with my daughter and my husband. I feel that energy until I can barely sit still. Then, I think of that other person, place or situation that is challenging for me and then I transfer that energy – that love frequency – to that person or event. Then I feel it and accept it as our Creator loves and accept us unconditionally.
On this vibratory signal of love, I breathe deeply. I breathe knowing in my core that the love I express, share and depend on to guide me is the love and light that is us, that created us - that shines through us to give this world life!
Isn’t that simply divine? We are light! We are loved! We are love! Therefore, we love!
Please share your light of inspiration. We would love to hear!
Happy Inspirational Monday!
waw, i couldnt agree more with this blog, im so glad i found it! thankyou!:D:D
waw, i couldnt agree more with this blog, im so happy i found it, i know it will help. thankyou :D
One love.
I still chant my mantra learned many years ago when margie and i used to go to a meditation group together ... it grounds me immediately and fills me with what I need in that moment.
congratulations on school ... that's amazing news.
What a beautiful exercise, :-) I will have to try it as part of my daily relaxation and peace time.
reading this made me remember that song we sung in sunday school:
this little light of mine,
i'm gonna let it shine...
love ya!
I am sending you much love back. Thank you for reminding me there is no shame in loving freely.
What an amazing and inspiring view! I'm late commenting on this but my Inspirational Monday post last week was Miracles.
Thanks for your visits to my blog and your lovely comments. As always you bring love with you and I know I will find some peace and inspiration when I visit here :)
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