Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Ask Vchelle

Often, I try to write from a place of complete stillness and peace based on my personal triumphs or others. My creativity expands not from any thought, but from depth of who I am - of who we are. Operation You is a place that we can practice feeling and relying on the Source that bridge external life with inner life. That Source, I call God.

If you have a paticular subject, topic or question that you feel I can help you with, please feel free to submit it to "Ask Vchelle" and I will address those topics or questions during postings. Remember, you can choose to submit anonymously.

Thank you for sharing your essence. Sending love...


SE'LAH... said...

Here's a question: What would I do without you? You are an awesome friend and I am so happy you have created this blog. I call it "my valium" ;-)

Operaton You said...

Se'Lah, your essence would find another me because we were drawn together by "One Love." (smile).

Unknown said...

Interesting idea, let's see if I can come up with a question. :)

Operaton You said...

LisaChaos - take your time! It's only if and when you want another point of view.

Anonymous said...

It's so increasingly difficult to cope when a spouse is laid off or can't find work. Any advice for uplifting one's spirit?