Doris was such a fun, loving, and go-getter as a person that had such compassion about other human beings. Her spirit left this earth on February 11, 2007. I never had my breath taken away, but losing my sister stripped me of my breath. On that day, I couldn’t breathe for about 10 minutes (go to Necessary Room to read about her and you can also click here to read my tribute to her).
Doris left this earth after her battle with breast cancer. I saw my sister’s body deteriorate from the strong concoctions of chemo therapy. After her spirit transcended and five months later, I was diagnosed with pre-cancerous cells in my left breast. I was scared, devastated and shocked. But, I knew I had experienced an incredible amount of stress and I also new that the Western way of treating my condition was not an option. I was not putting harsh chemicals in my body and I wasn’t allowing anyone to cut off any of my body parts.
With God’s help and my determination to depend on the knowledge that I had asked my creator for, I write in victory. I am healthy, happy, excited and passionate about my life and other’s lives. Operation You was created out of passion to allow myself and others an avenue to practice peace and gain strength through all difficult times.
So, in honor of Necessary Room’s Conscious Friday, I leave you with this message. Healing is at your finger tips. God has given us all the knowledge, tools, food and strength to heal our minds and our bodies. You must believe and know, not from your thoughts, but from the core of which you are – the peace that you were born with and that peace is God! 50% of healing is eating correctly and 50% of healing is keeping your attention in the present moment and not lost in your thoughts. I’ve discovered that all who are challenged by disease must find in it their core to radically and bodaciously forgive someone and release the negativity and resentment. This act of forgiving only comes from your Being – God!
Doris left this earth after her battle with breast cancer. I saw my sister’s body deteriorate from the strong concoctions of chemo therapy. After her spirit transcended and five months later, I was diagnosed with pre-cancerous cells in my left breast. I was scared, devastated and shocked. But, I knew I had experienced an incredible amount of stress and I also new that the Western way of treating my condition was not an option. I was not putting harsh chemicals in my body and I wasn’t allowing anyone to cut off any of my body parts.
With God’s help and my determination to depend on the knowledge that I had asked my creator for, I write in victory. I am healthy, happy, excited and passionate about my life and other’s lives. Operation You was created out of passion to allow myself and others an avenue to practice peace and gain strength through all difficult times.
So, in honor of Necessary Room’s Conscious Friday, I leave you with this message. Healing is at your finger tips. God has given us all the knowledge, tools, food and strength to heal our minds and our bodies. You must believe and know, not from your thoughts, but from the core of which you are – the peace that you were born with and that peace is God! 50% of healing is eating correctly and 50% of healing is keeping your attention in the present moment and not lost in your thoughts. I’ve discovered that all who are challenged by disease must find in it their core to radically and bodaciously forgive someone and release the negativity and resentment. This act of forgiving only comes from your Being – God!
Eat plenty of fruits and leafy green vegetables and let go of all those thoughts, pains and resentments that intoxicate your mind and body. Radically forgive all and see and feel the difference in your mind and your body. Of course, consult your doctors (read my article, Build your team) and live your life full of passion, love, forgiveness and please, make a deposit into life! You will not regret it.
Sending positive energy and love and everlasting support to heal your body!
1 comment:
I am encouraged by your sheer bravery in deciding to treat naturally, especially so shortly after Doris' passing. I am thankful that your body has healed itself. I pray for continued health. You ARE an awesome woman and I am touched by your writing!!! I love you with my BIG heart, all the way to GOD's house ;-)
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