"By dropping it. How do you drop a piece of hot coal that you are holding in your hand? How do you drop some heavy and useless baggage that you are carrying? By recognizing that you don’t want to suffer the pain or carry the burden anymore and then letting go of it."
Eckhart Tolle

While it is definitely a challenge to accept the state of the economy and we are all affected by it, we must understand that all of our needs are already met. We must not allow ourselves to be overwhelmed. As stated in this recent article on Necessary Room, Back to Centre, listening to the media is a way to stay in tune to the condition of our economy, but understand that the media is ONE tool used to provide awareness. Listen to it as you listen to the movement of a washer or dryer in use. It is background noise. Don’t allow the noise to distract you from who you are. You are life!
We must still give from our hearts. We must still know that prosperity is our birthright. We must still believe that if we have $1.00 to our name, we are so rich with love, happiness, understanding, forgiveness and faith. From this point on, don’t say, “I cannot afford this or that.” Say, “I am blessed to have this $1.00. I’m excited about my life and I’m excited for this present moment." Don’t worry about anything. We must accept it is what it is and that’s ok. We must accept what we can’t change; we must enjoy what we have and we must be enthusiastic about life period.
Don’t worry, be happy! In spite of; don’t worry, be happy!
Sending positive energy your way, always!
Listen to your heart: Bobby Mcferrin - Don't Worry Be Happy
Tears in my eyes. This article has really touched me. Look on the bright side of life. Thanks for helping us all come back to centre.
I run off more people because I refuse to give into all the negative talk. You really do have to choose your response, your attitude toward it all.
I love what you had to say. There are so many things, people, circumstances to be thankful and grateful for. Well written. Thank you!
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