when the seas are too stormy
and the horizon you can't find
how will I get through this?
is all that's on your mind

just know that you have friends
who love and care for you
to provide you with support
and help you to get through

no woman is an island
my grandmother would often say
but it took surviving some rough times
to fully understand the meaning today.
*Have an Inspirational Monday!
On this day, I am inspired by the depth and strength of friendship.
Who are what inspires you?
~ ~ ~ ~
*Give thanks to my heartical sisterfriend vchelle for allowing me into her sacred space again. Sending you positive vibes as you go through the detox of your body, mind and soul. Love you with my BIG heart all the way to God's House.
One Love.
*Note to readers: vchelle will be back online after completing her detox regimen. Thanks in advance for your understanding.
this is truly a testament to a special friendship ~a sweet bond!
Hope you are both back in fine form soon.
no woman is an island - what wise words! if only we all realised that, and acted accordingly :)
Just beautiful... and ulifting! Wishing you both well and very happy. After storms, some sunshine! :o)
Se'Lah, I couldn't have said these words any better! You are such a beautiful sisterfriend and I'm so thankful that you picked up where my sister Doris left off.. You just don't know how much I treasure you.. I love this post! Thank you for helping me out when I really need it.
Love you with all that I am...
I'm sending my good thoughts to you, vchelle! Se'Lah, what a beautiful post!
This is love. Full with understanding and tenderness.
Wonderful words paired with striking pictures. My friends have gotten me through many a rough time. Especially this year.
beautiful post :-)
Absolutely inspiring!
All the best to both of you :)
I am inspired by the courage of my sister tonight. She just left our childhood home, her parents (only one of which she shares with me), her friends, and all she's known to roll the dice here with me.
She is ready to stand on her own, absent from the role she's been playing her whole life, of the one the needs to be taken care of. Her dad (not the parent I share with her) has always sought to control her, and he is making this transition especially hard for her. Even so, tonight she rides. Tomorrow will be a new day for her. A dawning in the age of Ashley...
I am so inspired by her right now...
Fantastic pictures! I really love the waves in the first one. Stormy but beautiful :)
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