Leaving Jannah with my adult son, I drove 70 miles per hour pushing the 65 miles per hour speed limit down the dark and really lonely road leading to the grocery store. Deep in anticipation of beating my own expected timeframe of how long I should be away from my daughter, the ding-ding sound made me look at my dashboard. I remembered that I needed gas yesterday. I stopped by the only 24-hour gas station and all the pumps were covered! What???? I prayed and said, "Take me home safely please."
Fast forward to the next day, Jannah and I headed out again to the same grocery store. I was sending so much gratitude out into the universe as I was driving thanking my Creator for blessing my daughter to feel better. Then all of a sudden, my car began to lose power exactly one block from the same gas station I visited at 2:00 am. One problem, I had to make a left turn and then a right turn into the gas station. Could I make it? I began to scream with laughter, "Oh my God Jannah, I think we are about to run out of gas!" She screamed, "Go mommy, go mommy!" In perfect timing, the light turned green and the two cars in front proceeded to go left so I kept pumping the gas pedal. I made that quick left and then pumped the pedal some more and made it into the gas station. I spotted that the outer/end gas pump was available and fixated my energy on it as my car died! We drifted perfectly in front of the gas pump! Jannah and I screamed the entire time with laughter and we cheered and clapped. Jannah said, "Mommy we made it." I said, "Jannah, everything is going to be alright!" She said, "Yep!"
As we drove away from the gas station in smiles, I wondered how many people barely made it to the gas station that day and how many people did not make it. I know that when we put all our energy into succeeding as if there were no other option, we excel!
Gratitude and positive energy from both of us got us to that gas station! Sending you the same to get you to your destination!
What an inspirational post :)
Glad you made it. Children are hosts of so much positive energy...may Jannah stay that way always
This post makes me so happy! I'm glad Jannah is feeling better and that you two pooled your positive energy to get where you wanted to be!
Love the story. Glad your baby is better and that she got to be part of the ride...and the gratitude.
What a great story! I hope Jannah is feeling better now and I'm happy you made it to the gas station. Everything IS going to be alright :)
it is the small blessing that work together to make us feel blessed. those adult children come in handy on occasion don't they?
You know that Life is Good when you are coasting on fumes, but you still manage to get to where you needed to be!
Glad Miss Jannah is on the mend! Strep throat is a booger!
Big Hugs to you, and may you get green lights all day long!
I feel like I've run out of gas. This post is an inspiration ...
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