We arrived to the salon on time and she was mesmerized by the place. “What’s this, what’s that?” I answered her. All her questions stopped when a little girl with such an angelic face wearing brown and aqua blue colors walked through the hanging beads that separated the waiting room from where the hair stylists worked their magic. Jannah stopped in her tracks physically right in the middle of her sentence and the little girl stood the same. They stared at each other with bright unquestionable eyes, surprised to see each other. It was such an inspiration to witness their little souls connecting right before my eyes. It felt like minutes before the little girl waved her hand to say hi to Jannah. Jannah smiled and waved back. My hair stylist called my name and I walked through the same beads reminding Jannah to come along. They walked side-by-side and the friendship had begun just like that!
The little girl was the daughter of another hair stylist and she was so thankful her daughter was blessed with a playmate even if it was just for a couple of hours. They played quietly coloring, talking, smiling and of course playing the game, “Can you do this? Can you do that?” By the time I was under the hair dyer, they were holding hands, dancing and very present with each other. One fell, the other helped to pick her up. They shared their toys and their ideas and they did without judgment, without stipulations and without fear.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful to meet someone for the first time as adults and go back to being able to just hug them and hold hands just because we both deserve it? Wouldn’t it be extraordinary for us to just stare at each other upon our energy connecting without fear of judgment, being used or recognized not by the clothes, shoes or hair styles but by the content of our BEING?
There is no need to find out the answers to our questions upon meeting someone for the first time “because if we listen carefully, we will hear,” words of Bob Marley. Shall we listen with our presence as children do? Shall we accept the flow of energy and witness the beauty of why we are here in this fascinating place?
Who are what inspires you?
Sending you ever-flowing positive energy without judgment or fear, but with sincere appreciation and love.
Happy Inspirational Monday!
this story hits home with me today. sometimes i can feel myself retreating and looking for isolation, other times i can be as social and as social comes. but when i feel inspirational it usually comes from inside, from thinking, when i am alone. i am much too visual to use actual moments as inspiration, my eyes are always moving. love you on a monday!!
Yes! There's so much we can learn from the example set by children. I love the way you challenge us to be better Beings.
Have an Inspirational Monday!
Lots o' love
children are amazing teachers. i am inspired by my own two kids everyday. we homeschool and it is a chance for me to see them grow. i am inspired by the way they dream so freely. this blows me away.
children can teach us so much if we are open to the moment ~what a wonderful post and picture...you are such a talented story teller my friend!
This post has inspired me so much today. I think these two little girls must be angels :) Thank you Vchelle for touching our Beings, you are a true inspiration.
My Inspirational Monday post is Song Around the World
Happy Inspirational Monday :)
how wonderful it would be if I could truly do as my son does, go up to hug or hold the hand of a little friend, someone he just met, but wants to be friends with? and how sad it makes me feel when his efforts at friendship are rebuffed and he looks dejected...so sad that so many children are so afraid of other kids, who must be included in the "don't talk to strangers" category set by parents...
vchelle, I think it is so wonderful that you recognized the beauty of their interaction and connection! And, I'm so thankful that you brought this story to us. It makes me so happy and filled with hope for the world!
Also, they are the cutest! Love that photo!
A delightful story and made me smile. Who inspires me? My close inner circle of friends. Especially the ones who are loving and warm with me especially when I need it.
What inspires me is seeing the elderly still crave to be here - despite adversity.
Thanks for visiting my "crib." ;)
I LOVE this story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You said it all so well! A few years back I wrote a post about how sad it is that we no longer go up to new people as adults and become instant friends. It would be great if we could! The girls look totally happy!
this is wonderfully sweet. as the daughter of a hairdresser who had to hang out in the shop after school sometimes, i know that little girl really appreciated having a new friend to pass the time with. :)
Oh, the innocence of children!
I am so grateful to have kept this with me since childhood. I do meet people, and upon feeling that kindred connection, always tell them, and be as open to them as possible! It has wigged a few folks out along the way, but I've never regretted it. I've met some instantaneous soul sisters before, and I just couldn't let them pass me by!
But, how cute is that picture, V? I mean, really!!!
What inspires me today (on Inspirational Tardy Tuesday) is to have some time to reconnect with my soul sisters here. I was so busy with some added hours at the respite home this weekend, and I feel like I have finally caught back up, so here I am. Loving your words, glad to be feeling your vibe here at your sacred space!
So true Vchelle, that children are not so self conscious as we adults! The thing that inspires me is blogland and that maybe in a way this allows us to be a little childlike in our connections. As if we're all at a party together but somehow we all feel comfortable even though we've only just met! Have a wonderful week my friend!
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