At this particular stop, I remember feeling alive. Jannah's smile came through her eyes, her cheeks, her arms, her entire Being. I felt her energy and I think her energy was so strong at this moment because my vibrational frequency had begun to rise.
It's challenging sometimes but we have permission to enjoy every aspect of our lives and how we take advantage of this magnicifent universe is to consume as much of the present moment as we can - deeply feel it - devour it - digest it. It's all about the energy!
It's about loving, forgiving and sharing! It's all about you! Hola!
Happy Weekend-ing!
That photos is awesome.
I've missed you. Being in the present is all we have and thanks for your constant reminder to stay present.
Love you!
Such a beautiful photo! It made me smile. Have a great weekend! :)
That is such a happy photo of your girl!
Oh, a whole body smile! Enjoy...all of it.
I see that awesome smile! She looks full of joy!
I can feel her joy and presence as I look at this lovely photo. Childrens energy can be very humbling :)
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