It was a hectic day in terms of work and I felt the desperate need to embrace nature, specifically the sun. With a little anxiety, I knew just what my Being ordered. I needed to feel my way back to normalcy.
Within minutes, I was headed to Kennesaw Mountain. It was in the 70’s and the weather was perfect for exhaling and healing. There was no music playing in my car and I felt as if the silence was stroking my head with comfort. The idea came to me like a flash of light to the core of who I am. I’m going to ask complete strangers today (inspired by Sunnyboy over at Sunnydaytodaymama) who or what inspires them in honor of Inspirational Monday and what subject they are passionate about in honor of Conscious Friday. I wanted to share the very thing that we are – energy.
On the way up the steep mountain trail, I met Jeanie and Antonio, her beautifully-colored black, gray, white and tan Collie. Gayle over at PlanetMFiles helped bring to present my childhood dog, Lans and then I saw Antonio. That was exciting! Anyway, Jeanie and I shared touching stories of our former pets and connected on the same frequency. During our conversation, she mentioned that she and Antonio recently walked for the fight against Multiple Sclerosis in honor of her friends who have the disease. Please click here to read about the details and effects of this disease.
So, on this Conscious Friday (Se'Lah's creation), I would like to send love, peace, healing and strength to Jeanie and her friends and all of those who are winning the fight against Multiple Sclerosis.
For information on Multiple Sclerosis and how you can get involved, please click here to go to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society.
Sending positive energy your way, always!
What a touching post. Beautiful photos and great story to tell. Thanks to Jeannie & Antonio for touching your being.
Thanks so much for raising my consciousness on MS today.
Happy Conscious Friday!!!
One Love, Se'Lah
Wow! What a beautiful place to go and be embraced by nature. I'm so pleased that you were inspired by sunnyboy to talk to strangers and it sounds like you had a wonderful meeting as a result. How great to make a connection like this.
That is a sweet post...and I love seeing what is very familiar to me.
I'll be running on Kennesaw Mountain in May when I return to Atlanta to pack up my things and ship them over to the UK. I'll being staying with my mom who lives near the mountain.
Maybe we can schedule a walk or run at the same time...
Great story! Bringing awareness & very informative info on MS.
How wonderful that you met Jeanie and Antonio! It really seems like you were meant to meet them. I am very shy and don't think I would ask a stranger what inspires them, except, of course, on the internet! I really admire you for doing that and I'm sure that you made a difference in Jeanie's day. I can tell just by knowing you here that in real life people can feel the warmth and love in you!
There is some wonderful new research coming out about hypercoagualation and diseases like MS. Lo and behold, it could be caused by an infection...imagine that! I pray for results and healing for those who suffer because they have the disease or love someone who does.
So great to meet people along the way - and connect! My cousin has MS and is pretty bad with it. Hes had it since he was 19 and he's now 33, wheelchair bound now. I really hurt for him.
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