I've been so busy today with grown-up stuff that I haven't been anywhere near a computer. I had every intention on participating in the Pet Parade and couldn't let it go by without mentioning Girley. Although, our betta fish is a male, my daughter refuses to accept that fact and named him Girley. So, Girley is what we call him. Girley is fiesty but really focuses on eating and loves my daughter to tap the glass. He responds by swimming back and forth quickly. Girley loves, loves the color red!
I've jumped on the Pet Parade band wagon at Red or Gray Depending on the Day and Planet M Files.
Now, I'm off to the pet parade!
i love having girlie along for the ride today...what a marvelous blue!
I love how you described all girley's little quirks and preferences! Girley sounds great and a real character :)
Definitely a wonderful blue. All aboard. Choo-Chooo
Girley and nameless fish could be friends!
I'm so glad Girlie joined the parade! He is a handsome fish!
A beautiful blue - and he sounds like quite the fish!
Girley sure is a pretty boy! :)
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