Saturday, April 25, 2009

Enjoy your weekend, please!

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood! I had the pleasure of staying over my family's house last night. It's been such a long time since I've done this and it was such a cozy feeling to not have to drive home. This morning I woke up to the soothing sound of a train's horn and I can't tell you the memories that surfaced in my mnd from hearing that sound. It reminded me of when I was a little girl.

The light breeze coupled with the sound of the train traveling by helped me to find and appreciate the loud and beautiful sound of silence. Because from silence, I then heard life - the birds chirping and moving. Yes, it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood!

I'm off to a festival with my daughter and nieces. I'm looking forward to a happy time!

Enjoy your weekend, please!


sunnymama said...

I hope you have a wonderful time at the festival and a lovely weekend!
We live next to a railway and I find the sound of the trains very soothing too :)

SE'LAH... said...

Sounds like fun!!! Hope you have a great time! Wish we were there.

jacqueline said...

Hello there...I'm so excited that I found your site. I happened to see your comment on Dori's blog and fell in love with that little photo. It reminded me of myself. I appreciate what you're doing here. I'll be back for sure. :-)

christina said...

Oh this sounds so comfy! The family and then the train... a favorite transportation of mine.

Gayle said...

It's been beautiful here, too! We had a wonderful Saturday! I hope your weekend is filled with fun! said...

Very nice blog! ^^
do you know Seoul, Korea?
if not, feel free to visit me.
Thanks a lot ^^

Unknown said...

Hope you are having a great weekend! Sounds like you had great plans! We've had a good one - with a super nice hot day on Friday, but now rain rain rain. Oh well, tis all good. :)

Sorry I'm so far behind! :(