Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Sled Hockey

We had a family outing to a hockey game last night, Thrashers vs. Washington "something." As you can tell, I'm not a hockey fan at all. My friend, a Girl Scout leader, gave us free tickets. When asked, my husband and son said why not?

We were all freezing! We sat in the restricted seats bundled watching the hockey game. My daughter and I tossed and turned the entire game. I felt battered from my daughter shifting, climbing and elbowing me. I could not wait to leave!

Then, I noticed little people sliding around the rink on something that looked like a skateboard with ice blades. They were using shorter hockey sticks. It was halftime or timeout or whatever the terminology used for this break in the game. I perked up to watch and listen. They hit the puck in the net a few times. It was cool to watch. They were playing sled hockey, a game for the “disabled” who had no or limited use of their legs. I like to say they are able-with-adjustments. They looked like they were having a blast!

We may have to make adjustments. We may have to travel a different route to get to our ultimate and desired destination. We may have to tweak the norm a bit. But, we do not have to stop. We accept what is and in that knowing, we live! That's Peace!

Listen to your heart:
Leroy Brown - Dont Give Up


SE'LAH... said...

I'm adjusting as we speak. Great post Ms. Vchelle!

I love how you always link everyday experiences to such deep lessons...always in class with you boy ;-)

Unknown said...

I have never been to a game but would love to! Just watched on tv.

sunnymama said...

How great that what had initially been a tedious event for you become an inspiring experience!

Gayle said...

How cool! I like that way you look at things.