Monday, April 27, 2009

Radically Free continued!

Continuing my radically free moment, on our way to a local county fair, my daughter and I saw an elderly woman driving the funkiest and exciting tri-wheel motorcycle. It was sparkling white with hot-pink design. She had on a white-like luminous helmet and white sunglasses. You couldn’t tell this hot mama that she wasn’t cool!!! I absolutely loved it. Jannah said, “Mommy, take her picture.” So, I did. After a couple of traffic lights, she pulled directly behind me; I jumped out the car, waved to her, blew her a kiss and took her photo. She gave me a million-dollar smile!

This wise woman in the photo may have taken advantage of the present moment all her life for all I know. She inspired me to look foward to growing wise with acceptance and in laughter, joy, peace and family! Afterall, isn't one our journeys here on Earth is to connect to the ultimate frequency of one love - one life? It is so awesome to recognize, honor and feel life!

Talk about freedom!


christina said...

You've got spirit! And I love it!

larkswing said...

That is great! There is 74 year old lady here, that has a bike like that, well, as far as the wheels go - hers is burgandy - not as fun in color as the one you spotted. I stopped to ask her about her bike and it was so fun talking to her. I want to have that kind of spunk when I am in my 70's - and I WILL!

Have a great day!

margie said...

last summer we saw an elderly couple on one of these, wearing matching outfits, red and white. adorable and you just knew they knew how to have a good time.

SE'LAH... said...

Sweet...there's a lot of freedom on motorcycles...the wind in the hair...with helmet of course.

Looking forward to riding in this beautiful weather.

Love ya to the max!

What would would I do without friends like you? I just don't know so let's not even think about it.

sunnymama said...

She sounds like a star! Wonderful that she inspired both you and Jannah :)

Cam said...

I humbly pray for her wisdom and spark...

We have her kindred spirit here, in our little town. You can see her riding along on her little Vespa, silver hair trailing behind her from under her helmet, and an absolutely radiant glow in her smile!

Wanda said...

I can't wait until the weather is good enough to ride again. It is amazingly freeing.