As someone that avoids any type of television news station like the plaque, I decided to listen this morning to see what is happening in the world today from CNN's perspective. After watching
Anderson Cooper's AC360 show, I took a deep breath as I heard that two eleven-year boys committed suicide by hanging themselves after suffering from continuous bullying from school classmates. These precious Beings took their lives within a two-week span. That's heart wrenching for me!
Jaheem Herrera and Carl Joseph Walker Hoover were taunted and emotionally abused because of their perceived sexual orientation. I was in shock and I was surprised to hear my own words out loud, "What the hell?"
It is society's duty to protect all of our children. We as parents should do everything in our power to boldly and assertively address any type of bullying issue. We need to boldly address the kids that are bullying as well as address and protect the kids that are bullied for whatever reason. I know that sexual orientation is a controversial topic based on religion, extreme opinions and sometimes an attitude of pure disgust. Whatever your stance is on this topic, it is imperative that we protect every child with passion and with a level of intensity that will aim to bring love, support and peace to all children that are involved.
Because the children that are doing the bullying come from troubled homes most of the time, they also need direction and attention. One principal in a middle school in Nevada has taken peaceful action to help both bullies and the kids that were bullied. Take a look at a segment on ABC News
All life is precious not matter what form it comes in and we must respect it, honor it and love all life! It is our duty and it is our privilege!
Sending love, support and positive energy around this magnificent world! Thank you Se'Lah (
Necessary Room) for bringing the idea of Conscious Friday!
The following photos are of three boys that felt their only option to stop the pain and suffering from bullying was to remove their Beings from this universe as we know it. I feel your presence boys.
Jaheem Herrera, 11
Carl Joseph Walker Hoover, 11
Listen to your heart: We are the world